What this means is that the data on gun-owners is being shared despite being prohibited by federal law. They even even know what type of weapons you’re purchasing.
When the FBI released its figures, it went as far as saying that 2,000 known or suspected terrorists bought a pistol, sports rifle, or assault weapon. This means they are collecting information about the types of purchases as well. Just matching a name to a list would not be enough to come up with accurate data. This means the NICS program, which was promised to be free from other agencies, is sharing personal data such as name, date of birth, address, and social security number.
To be very clear, the NICS system is retaining records of legal purchases, it is sharing that information with other agencies, it is retaining and sharing information containing enough detail to match the purchaser to a government created list, and now the US government is publicizing the fact that it is doing this even though it is a violation of federal law.
This comes at a time when the government is making another power-grab for firearms. If we can’t trust the government to obey its own laws, how can we trust them with more power? This revelation leaves those seeking sensible reform to a shoddy gun control system in the lurch.
It has become clear the only way to avoid having your firearms purchases tracked and registered by the federal government is to exploit the “gun show loophole” so many want to close.
Whether you believe in the concept of gun registration or not, failure to report where this data is coming from is poor journalism and clear agenda setting. Go figure the people obtaining these statistics are liberal news outlets. Who holds them accountable for their actions? The same people who hold the Obama Administration accountable . . . nobody.
Source: AntiMedia
Lies and In-action. A much better name.
Whatever dont give up what truely belong to you America
I’m pretty sure Obama stands alone on this by executive order.
What part of shall not be infringed gets by you? I am personally proud to say I stand among those who will fight. The 2nd was never meant for anything other than to out a corrupted government.
Hahahaha! Probably all law abiding real American’s that own and buy weapons are on that list.