Irony Alert: An angry white guy goes on rant against… angry white guys.
Chris Matthews, never known for being a sensible or fair voice on MSNBC — if there is such a thing — has once again gone on an epic rant against Republicans. Specifically, he targets those who he claims wants to erase Obama from the history books. He’s calling them angry white guys.
Apparently Matthews is unfamiliar with the term “pot calling the kettle black,” eh?
How exactly one would “erase” Obama from the history books remains unclear. He happened, and his presidency is a fact that is well documented… so maybe he just means that “angry white guys” are trying to diminish the legacy of Obama by painting his presidency as a failure.
Well, Chris Matthews, Obama has pretty much done that all on his own. He didn’t need any help.
Check out the magnitude of Matthew’s ignorance on the next page:
It’s about time this Democrat retires with Obama…
The only people trying to erase American history are liberal democrats. As usual these democrats try to tell the people the republicans are guilty of doing what they are doing themselves. They do the deed, blame the republicans and their sheep eat up those lies.
I think that thrill that ran up your leg went all the way to your pea brain and shorted out some major wiring … What a tool !!
Does ANYONE with an IQ above 90 even listen to this moron?
Does that mean Matthews?
elect trump
When all of the race baiters and political correct and Muslims get tired of trying perhaps this Nation will heal it’s self ???
This is true.
Just trying to erase only evil!
What would be wrong with that? He should be erased obama has done nothing good for this country.
But tidy steal our money and run us into a big debt.