Irony Alert: An angry white guy goes on rant against… angry white guys.
Chris Matthews, never known for being a sensible or fair voice on MSNBC — if there is such a thing — has once again gone on an epic rant against Republicans. Specifically, he targets those who he claims wants to erase Obama from the history books. He’s calling them angry white guys.
Apparently Matthews is unfamiliar with the term “pot calling the kettle black,” eh?
How exactly one would “erase” Obama from the history books remains unclear. He happened, and his presidency is a fact that is well documented… so maybe he just means that “angry white guys” are trying to diminish the legacy of Obama by painting his presidency as a failure.
Well, Chris Matthews, Obama has pretty much done that all on his own. He didn’t need any help.
Check out the magnitude of Matthew’s ignorance on the next page:
Andwho is an enemy of the state matthews?? Trump?? Anyone who isn’t a suicidal liberal maniac? The republicrats made it known that congress is a scam being played on the Ameican people, and Trump has exposed them.We the American people must stop electing AMBULANCE CHASING, LYING, THIEVING,SUICIDAL LIBERAL MANIAC LAWYERS.
Says the angriest little white man on TV.
Matthews is a monumental moron
odumbo is the enemy of the state
talk about an angry white guy…….geeeesh……..
Matthews is Moran
These idiots say this c**p to keep themselves from being erased
Chris Matthews is just flat out stupid trying to be a wise man but far from it Obama should be wiped out of the history books but remembered for his hate for America Hillary and Benghazi and how terrible Muslims r