Matt Drudge, political pundit and Drudge Report creator, grew up in Washington D.C. — but the city he sees now is nothing like how he remembers it.
The feelings Drudge has in D.C. aren’t exclusive to the nation’s capitol. It’s also present in Chicago, Baltimore, and a myriad of other Democratic strongholds. Where there is a one-party, leftist government, quality of life suffers.
This can be seen in terrible educational standards, rising crime rates, and extreme poverty. Despite the fact that Democrats are elected to eradicate inner cities of all of these things, they tend to do the opposite.
When most people think of Washington D.C., they think of the White House, the Capitol Building, and several of the nation’s most famous monuments. But several miles away from those national treasures, the town is falling apart.
Hear what Drudge has to say about the degradation of Washington D.C. on the next page:
I was just telling my wife the same thing this week. All these cities run by Democrats are all toxic and so are its people. The University’s and Colleges with all our snowflake children go there to learn? That’s an oxymoron! This country is being run down by the Teachers we intrust them.
Ya think?
Liberals/Democrats need to have people dependent on them and big government. This means poverty and all that comes with it. Democrats don’t care about quality of life (the average person, not themselves obviously), just votes. And those who keep electing these same elitists deserve the hardships that come along with voting Democrat. What’s the definition of insanity? Something like: repeating the same action over and over, but expecting different results. Yup, insanity.
Ya think sanctuary citys homeless vets 20 plus trillion in debt corrupt government at local state and federal level hmmm wow im shocked! Say it isnt so
Do you think?
That’s why we need to put on the full armor of god and remind ourselves that iron sharpens iron!
A house divided will not stand. That is also true about a nation!
The Democrats will lose even more seats; in Congress in the House and Senate;
Nationwide & Locally;
Obama is a Treasonous Muslim and his sole purpose has always been to weaken and destroy America internally and he was given 8 full years and did just that. Not this Treasonous criminal knows ALL of America’s most intimate secrets and weaknesses now, He is continuing to work against America and plan more destruction.
He is Truly America’s enemy #1.
He is the snake of the most poisonous kind
If the Treasonous Muslim Obama can double the National debt in 8yrs more than All the Presidents Put Together then we will give A Real Man and Leader Trump a quarter of that to play with.
Russia is a Liberal distraction to try to turn the heads of True Good Americans away from the Treasonous criminal Muslim Obama and his collusion with his Muslim brotherhood Iran to continue destabilizing America.