Matt Drudge, political pundit and Drudge Report creator, grew up in Washington D.C. — but the city he sees now is nothing like how he remembers it.
The feelings Drudge has in D.C. aren’t exclusive to the nation’s capitol. It’s also present in Chicago, Baltimore, and a myriad of other Democratic strongholds. Where there is a one-party, leftist government, quality of life suffers.
This can be seen in terrible educational standards, rising crime rates, and extreme poverty. Despite the fact that Democrats are elected to eradicate inner cities of all of these things, they tend to do the opposite.
When most people think of Washington D.C., they think of the White House, the Capitol Building, and several of the nation’s most famous monuments. But several miles away from those national treasures, the town is falling apart.
Hear what Drudge has to say about the degradation of Washington D.C. on the next page:
Bruce Sanderson too bad you didn’t read Frank Rugolo’s post. He made good sense, but you fill yourself with hate…it’s the liberal way of life. So sad to see people so angry.
Bruce you’re just a blibbering idiot…you make no sense other than you HATE!
My take on leftist progressives screaming RACIST.
Shame on all of you hard-core leftists who are screaming “Racist!”, “Racist!”
You remind me of a time in my childhood, yes, here in the rural south, when my grandfather would not let me go to town one Saturday because “certain people” were marching, people wearing sheets.
Good, decent people hid in their homes in fear of potential violence. What you are doing today is no different than what these lunatic Klansmen did.
You are striking fear into the hearts of good, decent people, fear that, if they disagree, you will point your boney fingers at them and scream “Racist!!” The violence is just as real though it is emotional rather than physical. No one, in this day and age, wants to be called a racist.
You and your ilk have cleverly figured this out, and you are using this new “sheet” to scare people into silence. You have been “using” minorities for decades, and you do not really care about them. For you it is all about power, and minorities are just your “human shields” protecting you from having to engage in an open, honest, and logical debate.
There are two types of racism. There is the overt, in-your-face kind. It is hideous and ugly. There is another kind, a paternalistic racism, which assumes that minorities are incompetent and must be saved from a corrupt and unjust society by a loving benefactor. This kind of racism is also ugly, and the stink of it, wafting off of you officious, condescending leftists is cloying.
Has it never occurred to you that you may be an oppressor of the first order? Has it never occurred to you that you are oppressing minorities by holding out your condescending hand and conveying the subtle message that the people you claim to help are somehow less able?
Have the people you view as sharecroppers on your plantation forgotten their place? Surely there is something you can withhold from them to make them get back in line.
Perhaps the decent conservative black Americans just got damn tired of having to “downgaze” and say “Yes Miss” or “Yessa Massa” to paternalistic oppressors like you and your kind. Perhaps the lash of your hypocritical indignation doesn’t hurt anymore.
Perhaps they are thinking for themselves, considering their best interests, and have decided they don’t need you and your nanny state friends to tell them what to think, how to vote, what to eat, when to stand and when to sit and what kind of light bulbs to use and the other minutiae of life you seem to want to control.
Perhaps they are more concerned about balancing their own checkbooks than you are about balancing the Nation’s checkbook. Perhaps they realize that they share more values with the great majority of other Americans than they do with you fanatics on the left or the fanatics on the right.
Perhaps they discovered that the “real intent” of your helpful progressive programs was to crush their initiative, destroy their families, lock them into dependency, and make sure they would never have any power.
Let’s call your philosophy what it really is. In the words of one of your heros, Jeanene Garofalo: “Its racism; straight up!”
When I lived in Washington and the Boston area I attended a lot of cocktail parties with wealthy paternalistic “progressives”. At these parties they would cry crocodile tears, moan about the plight of the hapless poor, mouth a few Worker’s Party slogans, then climb in their luxury cars and drive back to Georgetown or Exeter.
You, and they, remind me of eighteenth century European aristocrats who would wax poetic about the virtue and dignity of the common people but kept a scented handkerchief stuck up their sleeves which they could hold next to their noses, lest they be offended by the smell of actual commoners.
The programs you have championed to spread your largess, at other people’s expense, I might add, have failed. Welfare has failed. Your education reforms have failed. ( Our children now score near the bottom of the industrial world, 25th, on standardized tests) Most of the money was gobbled up by an administrative apparatchik. The programs have produced the opposite of what you supposedly intended. They have not helped lift people into self sufficiency. They have driven most of the poor deeper into dependence.
The most notable achievement, perhaps failure would be a better description, of the welfare system and the programs of “The Great Society” which have cost billions and billions of dollars, is the destruction of the family among the poor, both black and white. This (perhaps) unintended consequence resulted from financially favoring broken families over intact families.
The good news is that many poor people, black and white did not let injustice and unfairness get in their way. They persevered, got educated, started businesses, became doctors, lawyers, educators, plumbers, masons, administrators and civil servants and built a life for themselves and their families.
They did not limp around complaining-waiting for someone to take care of them. People like these and countless others, who value achievement and excellence, should have their accomplishment and work ethic heralded as models for our children.
Although racism does exist in this country as well as every other country on this planet, it is becoming less prevalent here with each generation. Perhaps when my grandchildren or their children are grown, both kinds of racism will have declined to the point that the only people who will take note of it are historians.
You and your progressive friends can limp around and whine about unfairness and injustice and the corrupt nature of a capitalist society while the rest of us, the great mass of commoners, get up and go to work to pay the bills for your socialist and, yes, Racist, poverty snare.
David Freeman
Since the Republicans have owned Washington for years none of this makes sense. But OK. Republicans have never been good at taking responsibility for their own actions.
Wow. You are crazy Voncile Stone! Being an Independent I watch all that goes on with an open mind. Obviously you follow Trump and play the same game. It is never the Republicans fault.
After 8 yrs of O it’s bound to be creepy. The stench will linger a long long time. I can smell it from here. Musty.
I read it, and I am not a liberal, and definitely not a hypocritical so-called conservative, or anything else.
Is it hate to tell someone they have a b****r hanging out their nose or that their fly is down? When you see speaking verifiable truth as being hate, you have serious issues.
Every city that is run by liberal officials is in a state of collapse. In every way possible. Socialism reigns. Chaos crime and economic crash. It’s never worked and never will.
You have to feel sorry for Left, they have no leader anymore, the people of the left are in total chaos..I mean do you consider pelosi as a leader?,,what about Schumer??…exactly.!
So don’t wonder why there’s so much hatred coming from them!!