Matt Drudge, political pundit and Drudge Report creator, grew up in Washington D.C. — but the city he sees now is nothing like how he remembers it.
The feelings Drudge has in D.C. aren’t exclusive to the nation’s capitol. It’s also present in Chicago, Baltimore, and a myriad of other Democratic strongholds. Where there is a one-party, leftist government, quality of life suffers.
This can be seen in terrible educational standards, rising crime rates, and extreme poverty. Despite the fact that Democrats are elected to eradicate inner cities of all of these things, they tend to do the opposite.
When most people think of Washington D.C., they think of the White House, the Capitol Building, and several of the nation’s most famous monuments. But several miles away from those national treasures, the town is falling apart.
Hear what Drudge has to say about the degradation of Washington D.C. on the next page:
The only good Democrap is one removed from America
Drain the swamp
Take back the Temple Mount and send a MOAB into mecca
Yeah it’s called a COUP D’ETAT from the infiltration of the middle east commy fascist. And allowed to run for office.
He’s quoting Bill Clinton.
It’s full of NWO SATANISTS
That’s Why in Cromwell’s Day; ALL PARLIAMENT WAS TOLD TO GO!
New Representatives Elected By Citizens AND THE NEWLY ELECTED NEED STRICT TERM LIMITS AND NO CROSSOVER TO ANY OTHER POSITION. We are all Citizens for a REASON. Let’s Do It, Now!
What do you expect with Maxine, Nancy and Pocahontas running things… call county mental health!
Take over any country by schools and media without firing a shot. It’s a basic truth. The liberal thought process is all on feelings instead of reality (I.e. All should age ‘free’ insurance). There’s so much damage and the media won’t be changing so it’s all uphill.
So obvious to those that still have discernment.