Matt Drudge, political pundit and Drudge Report creator, grew up in Washington D.C. — but the city he sees now is nothing like how he remembers it.
The feelings Drudge has in D.C. aren’t exclusive to the nation’s capitol. It’s also present in Chicago, Baltimore, and a myriad of other Democratic strongholds. Where there is a one-party, leftist government, quality of life suffers.
This can be seen in terrible educational standards, rising crime rates, and extreme poverty. Despite the fact that Democrats are elected to eradicate inner cities of all of these things, they tend to do the opposite.
When most people think of Washington D.C., they think of the White House, the Capitol Building, and several of the nation’s most famous monuments. But several miles away from those national treasures, the town is falling apart.
Hear what Drudge has to say about the degradation of Washington D.C. on the next page:
If we do good to Christ’s brethren as he specified it will work out.
I pray every morning sometime 3 times a day. The democrats are acting the way my 3 year old children did, throwing temper tantrums and even worse now the have children not even old enough to vote acting te same way. They are now saying our President hasn’t even done anything the first 100 days…come on now…. they are so beligerant and stupid that they don’t even know they are the ones that have blocked kept him from occomplishing what he said he was going to do.
Ever read about demons in the Bible?….they still exist and they are taking over those who let them. How else did you think people were acting like this who are supposed to have good sense?
Sorry, but look you now you are very very level headed and teaching them things they need to know.
Spiritual warfare is it exactly. Demons are taking over….
Marxism always fails and it is those promised utopia that always suffer the most, not those who make the promise
One word ; Detroit.
Convention of States, if you don’t know what this is – Look it up
People thought by having a so called republican control congress and a so call republican president that things would change . The American people are being played for fools.