Matt Drudge, political pundit and Drudge Report creator, grew up in Washington D.C. — but the city he sees now is nothing like how he remembers it.
The feelings Drudge has in D.C. aren’t exclusive to the nation’s capitol. It’s also present in Chicago, Baltimore, and a myriad of other Democratic strongholds. Where there is a one-party, leftist government, quality of life suffers.
This can be seen in terrible educational standards, rising crime rates, and extreme poverty. Despite the fact that Democrats are elected to eradicate inner cities of all of these things, they tend to do the opposite.
When most people think of Washington D.C., they think of the White House, the Capitol Building, and several of the nation’s most famous monuments. But several miles away from those national treasures, the town is falling apart.
Hear what Drudge has to say about the degradation of Washington D.C. on the next page:
Chicago has been crooked since Richard Daly first got in bed with the MAFIA MY DAD SAID that way back in the 50’s….and it just gets passed to the next crooked democrat!
It’s time we start taking care of ourselves I don’t give a rats$#%&!@*about commie libs
Nero is fiddling.
Duh u think? They are intolerant violent and corrupt
Does anyone know where Obama is residing now?
Interesting observations……. A little research confirms the accuracy of these observations. What concerns me is how we turn these urban areas around. The Rahm Emanuals of the world have n’t been able to or won’t do much and the people of these cities and counties keep voting in the very hand that does nothing for them. Hand up, not out is where we need to be headed and community organizers need to be telling the truth to these people….. and that truth is you are really no more than slaves to the politicians who need to keep you hungry, undereducated, and wanting so the handouts they give you will secure your vote for them. Don’t be afraid, there are many people who support your issues and want to help but you need to stand up, speak up and start forcing the hand of those who are just using you.
….a gift for understatement………gh
Did no one tell this guy the republicans run house, senate, whitehouse, and now SCOTUS. Might want to stop pointing fingers and look in the mirror.
Yeah, all that happened in less than 100 days…dumb ass.
He’s talking about the constituents and the past . And yes there are still enough idiot Democrats and their Rino cohorts for the status quo to continue.
You might want to pay closer attention in your social studies class. The city of Washington D C is not run by the federal government. It’s run by a “city government” just the way any other city is that is elected by local residents. It is now, and has been for years, dominated by Democrats.
Arr you serious?!
Talking about city government. Plus, 3 months isn’t enough tome to do much, especially with the deep state and LMSM fighting back at every turn.
They can’t handle the fact that things change and nothing stays the same! Not to mention they can’t handle free speech, the CONSTITUTION, or people who don’t think exactly the way they think! PATHETIC!Will they ever learn?
Yeah…democrat controlled says it all