Matt Drudge, political pundit and Drudge Report creator, grew up in Washington D.C. — but the city he sees now is nothing like how he remembers it.
The feelings Drudge has in D.C. aren’t exclusive to the nation’s capitol. It’s also present in Chicago, Baltimore, and a myriad of other Democratic strongholds. Where there is a one-party, leftist government, quality of life suffers.
This can be seen in terrible educational standards, rising crime rates, and extreme poverty. Despite the fact that Democrats are elected to eradicate inner cities of all of these things, they tend to do the opposite.
When most people think of Washington D.C., they think of the White House, the Capitol Building, and several of the nation’s most famous monuments. But several miles away from those national treasures, the town is falling apart.
Hear what Drudge has to say about the degradation of Washington D.C. on the next page:
Lmao really you should tell the FBI
You want to know it’s called Satanism, the worship if Man and his evil actions. Just look at the false witness the Dems are spewing.
It’s going to come back on them hard and they deserve it.
The goals of the dnc is to have a monarchy. King democrats an queen liberals to do what democrats to best make them self richer an the poor poorer is facts they been robbing us blind for the last 100 year more minority where rob blind then any one but to cover it up they raised tax on the middle class an they knew it wouldn’t hold for long
Minneapolis, Minnesota, just raised their minimum to 15 bucks and hour. Along with Medicare for All, I think Democrats should make this their platform fot the mid terms. Universal, single payer health care, a living wage for anyone who wants to work, and, making continuing education affordable should be the basis for the Democratic Party platform in the up coming elections. When the Republicans try to move backward, we Democrats need to keep upping the ante to force their hand. One of Obama’s greatest failures, was , that he did not know how to play poker with people like McConnel and Ryan.
Eric so your using foreign knew Lmfao you know they are no different then CNN Lmfao I can pay you half a year wage an say im god an if you was in there shoes broke an poor you take it an make me god you Fucking retarded dumb$#%&!@* Lmfao crying out loud your are the super duper queen of liberal conspiracy theorist.
Every thing you just spotted off is what they found on the dnc an how corrupt. It is it has not a damn thing to do with trump
Every thing you just said is to show how corrupt the dnc is buddy how they use big pocket donors. Tell how they are going to make the world a perfect place to live in just to fatten there wallet an never do any of what it set out to do. Because. If yah haven’t figure it out the people who didn’t have health care has it now because the people who do an that are loosing there because they cant pay for it because there paying for some one else beside from there family its a shell game make some one who make 30k a year pay for 100 people health insurance that make 15k a year by raising cost them little fees here an there that nobody see until a month later when the bill comes due.
The terrorist should be worried
Oh I see your all fucked up about your healthcare…sorry your boss doesn’t value your life or your families over his profits …try joining a union ..if ya got any skills and can work hard
Its the biggest ponzie. Scam ever perpetrating. On the American people. You see that with Obama giving his grand mama pay check an his f**e daughter a pay check an stealing billions to finance his showdown government. As he stalks. Trump around the world