Many people argue that democracy is a failing system, and that it isn’t any better than any other form of government. What difference does it make if it’s a dictator’s boot stepping on your face or if it’s the boot of a president elected by 51% of the population?
How else is democracy flawed? Well, it can be manipulated. Through lobbying, gerrymandering and a host of other cheap tactics, democracy just ends up not working for the American people in the way the founders intended.. And through exhaustive research, a case of corruption of one fundamental democratic process may have been found in Kansas.
Really? Say hello to the Tin Man for me! LMFAO
There is fraud in every state,but mostley in BLUE STATES
This is why we have people elected that should not be in politics at all, just common criminals after the money they can steal. Term Limits is the answer.
US is in the pockets of the rich n Doesn’t Care about the average American!
when several precincts report 100+ % turnout, you know you have voter fraud
In every state, I’m sure….starting with the politicians.
I’m so amazed!?
Must be Democrat run!!!!!!!
Ain’t that the way it’s done??????