Marine biologists are puzzled by the hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead on the shores of San Francisco for the past seven weeks.
They wonder if it could be the sign of a major problem throughout the Pacific Ocean. As both scavengers and super-predators, sharks in general play a critical role in keeping the ocean’s ecosystem in balance.
Sharks eat fish that are the weakest and help maintain “prey species diversity” by keeping other predators in check. Scientists worry that any decline in shark populations may threaten fishery operations and also indicate deeper problems in the ecosystem.
Find out what exactly is happening off the San Francisco coast and the possible explanations for it on the next page.
fukushima radiation?
They couldn’t afford the taxes in Californiatardsville
As the prophesies declare for end times….1/3 of all life will soon die suddenly….
Russians or maybe Trump.
Japanese nuclear meltdown radiation in the Pacific Ocean now
Navy ordinance testing ?
A liberal must have stepped or swam in the ocean.
Government can’t even help or fix themselves, how will they ever help Japan?
Is trump behind it?
I hear the White House ,now that trump is president, doesn’t recycle plastic either.
sludge funk,! Yep! do it every time. I tell you,it`s sludge funk from city hall.