Promising the people things a government can never deliver is hardly a new tactic for politicians to employ, and it often works — for a while. But there will be a day of reckoning when the whole thing comes crashing down. Venezuela is experiencing that inevitable day, and it looks ugly with leading politicians blaming whomever and whatever is convenient for the people’s misery to draw attention away from their own failed policies.
As Margaret Thatcher noted, “The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Or put more bluntly you cannot have a society where everyone tries to live off the wealth of everyone else.
Incentives to produce, to grow businesses and profit from one’s labors are essential to creating a healthy economy, one which provides jobs and produces goods and services that the population demands. Economic and political freedom are the keys to promoting a wealthy society, not the heavy hand of government and its efforts to redistribute wealth according to some arbitrary notion of fairness. Or more often, according to which power group has bought off the most politicians.
So Venezuela is reaping the harvest that the seeds of socialism always produce. Chavez may have been a more successful leader as he was a bit earlier on in the process of economic decay and possessed some degree of chrisma. Things aren’t working out so well for Nicolas Maduro who is the current president.
So we should not be surpised by the results we are seeing. What are those results?
Vote for a democratic republic and let the people rule!!!!!!
lets exile obama and clinton to venezuela
This will be us, the tax obama just hit truckers with will put them out of work, eventually no food on shelves. We need to be strong like the British
Hillary’s America
And this is what’s in store for the U.S., if we allow the current trend to continue! Trump is our only hope, and we MUST show up at the polls in record number, leaving them no choice but to put Trump in office and save America! And don’t forget to wear red to the polls, that ought to scare the hell out of them!
Gary Gauthier Until we find a way to stop lobbyist and democracy killing campaign financing, we will never rid the system of corruption no matter how many parties we have. I think all campaign contributions should be put in a central fund and distributed evenly to the different parties as needed. As far as lobbyist go, we have to stop them from putting pressure on government officials by enacting a sort of RICO law. Lobbyist only subvert the peoples interest in favor of their own interest and that should be considered criminal or even treason! Term limits might be a good way to stop the good ole boys club in DC where they all act on their own interst to keep getting elected. Republicans act like Demiocrats much more often than democrats acting like republicans. Last, we need an unbiased media source to report on each politicians activities and how they have voted on issues and budgets.
Letd ssk them how they like socialism
We need this to happen hete