The Cascadia subduction zone runs north-to-south along the Pacific coast, with much of it offshore. That’s a worst-case scenario when the ‘big one’ finally strikes. Not only will it generate a massive tsunami, large stretches of the coast will suddenly crumple and sink, allowing seawater to rush in to low areas.
The severity and long duration of the shaking will cause extreme damage to buildings and urban infrastructure, as the offshore plate collides and rams under Canada and America.
Chances to escape the affected regions will be difficult and limited, scientists say. They recommend:
Run to higher ground, don’t drive. As the ground is shaken and pulverized the force of the quake will cause ‘liquefaction’ when solid ground acts like liquid, across fast swathes of any porous region.
Highways are likely to be devastated by landslides and coastal avalanches.
Amazingly, one of the first warning signs may come about 20 minutes prior to the quake, when compression waves alarm dogs, who are able to hear sounds at that range.
Geographers suggest that the estimated death toll is much lower even if everyone walks toward higher ground at 3.5mph or faster.
Jay Wilson, chair of the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission, told the New Yorker, “When that tsunami is coming, you run. You protect yourself, you don’t turn around, you don’t go back to save anybody. You run for your life.”
The coming mega-quake will cause a destructive tsunami; scientists are certain of that, but some distance away from the Cascadia subduction zone is an inland danger-point overdue to release pressure. Could one trigger the other? See the next slide for more details:
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I knew u were messing with the
I say we have the government place into effect immediately an earthquake ban! After all an earthquake like that could kill more people than all the people who have died from gun violence! But I doubt if it would be as many that have died from medical malpractice!