According to Mychal Massie, the former chairman of the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives, we are being lied to on a massive scale by the Obama administration about the massive outbreak of deadly infectious diseases being brought here by illegal immigrants.
And, he accuses Obama of knowingly bringing in this threat into the US.
Yes, Obama is creating this, but the rest of government is complicit.
Click the link below to read more:
stop obumma i am sick of this a**hole I cant stand him lets us all keep praying this doesnt happen LORD PLEASE BE WITH US GET RID OF OBUMMA THANK YOU JESUS
… I wouldn’t put it past him cause all he’s doin’ is layin’ the groundwork for the fall …
There is no constitutional provision to suspend elections period
We have held them during the civil war, WW2 and other wars. We will hold them this time as well
It’s a trick need to impeach him
I have been under the impression that something will occur that will in deed impact the next just get this when you study all of this stuff out that is going on and has gone on..put all the pieces together..
Obama & his entire regime will be taken out! The majority of Americans would fight against martial law!
Nothing with this t**d would be a surprise
So, get him out now !
In addition he, and his trained dog The Media, are attempting to start a race war!