After the tragic UCC shooting, President Obama has made the tragedy a political issue for gun control.
Other countries crafted laws that eliminated guns, but not mass shootings, such as Great Britain, Australia — countries like ours, but the slaughter continued.
So, we know there are ways to prevent major gun violence: stronger mental health programs. What’s also routine, of course, is that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. But, giving Obama his moment in the political sun, let’s examine his claim that gun control stops mass shootings on the next page:
I was never afraid of clowns until I saw Obama!
This is his one soul objective , to take our guns away, so that his muslim buddies can take over America.
Obama is a LIAR. He is the perfect Muslim.
thats a known faact.
This guy has more blood on his hands
Not failed polices, deliberate design! He is evil and a traitor!
You need a chart to prove this p***k wrong? When has this tar baby been right ?
Liberals don’t care about facts. It has been proven that they are mentally ill.
Appears to be? There is no doubt about it. He would rather climb a tall tree and lie rather than sand on the ground and tell the truth. Nothing but a towel headed goat humper dune$#%&!@*camel jocky.
He does not know how to tell the truth.