After the tragic UCC shooting, President Obama has made the tragedy a political issue for gun control.
Other countries crafted laws that eliminated guns, but not mass shootings, such as Great Britain, Australia — countries like ours, but the slaughter continued.
So, we know there are ways to prevent major gun violence: stronger mental health programs. What’s also routine, of course, is that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. But, giving Obama his moment in the political sun, let’s examine his claim that gun control stops mass shootings on the next page:
what has he or any of them been right about ?il wait anyone
Good point
Luke McElravey
They tell us that this type of gun
violence is not happening in other
well in those other countries you don’t
have mass prescription psychiatric drugs
that are advertised on TV that we have here in America
The reality is mass murders do happen in other countries
Norway killed 75 people
France killed seven
Brazil killed 14
Unek, William>>> killed 57 in Belgian, Congo Tanganyika
Ben Jebir, 28>>>>>>killed in Tunisia
Vukwana, Bulelani, 29>>>>>killed 12
South Africa killed 11
the list goes on
the only gun control we need is for the mentally ill
these medications that people are on do not cure you
guns don’t amplify racism they don’t foster hatred
they are simply inanimate objects
1.6 million crimes are stopped every year in this country
by Americans with the people legally owned firearms
The crime rate always goes up, just take a look .
Nothing new Obama is ALWAYS wrong!
Obama Does NOT know what, right and truth is, no way, shape or form!
not news, he’s ALWAYS wrong about EVERYTHING, the trouble is I believe he thinks he is right, how else can you explain his arrogance
Obamas hate spreading like plague.
Facts? This PoS does not want facts….