After the tragic UCC shooting, President Obama has made the tragedy a political issue for gun control.
Other countries crafted laws that eliminated guns, but not mass shootings, such as Great Britain, Australia — countries like ours, but the slaughter continued.
So, we know there are ways to prevent major gun violence: stronger mental health programs. What’s also routine, of course, is that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. But, giving Obama his moment in the political sun, let’s examine his claim that gun control stops mass shootings on the next page:
facts do not matter to liberals, from the environment to energy to what sane people want and support, liberals are blind
Impeach Obama today.
Proving him right is the hard part ,proving wrong is easy part ??
just like everything else, he is always wrong.
Have you ever heard him says anything about Chicago, and the 2,300+ shootings. No
when is he ever right
so whats new he is always wrong and always lying
Proof Obama creates his own numbers, no matter how wrong he is!!!!!
Obama is an outright deceiving lying muslim plain and simple.