After the tragic UCC shooting, President Obama has made the tragedy a political issue for gun control.
Other countries crafted laws that eliminated guns, but not mass shootings, such as Great Britain, Australia — countries like ours, but the slaughter continued.
So, we know there are ways to prevent major gun violence: stronger mental health programs. What’s also routine, of course, is that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. But, giving Obama his moment in the political sun, let’s examine his claim that gun control stops mass shootings on the next page:
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He is garbage. Need I say more!
Robert Macool
Even if there where no shooting Obummer still be wrong
Obama appears to be a pathological liar. Nothing he says should be taken seriously.
Is stupid ever right or just lying again.
When are we going to execute him for his ongoing treason, and also those elexcted officials, who have the power to stop him and refuse to do their duty to put an end to him. They by their inactiinsare guilty with him in his treason, and are not worthy to remaim in office or to be free.
Follow the years and you will see the crime rate the killing of police officers murder in schools and streets have all increased under his failed policies
Liars figure and figures lie.