When a legislator takes an oath of office, they promise to uphold the laws of the United States to the best of their ability. This oath should inform every decision an elected official makes — but too often it’s ignored or forgotten.
Legislators — particularly on the left — have made a habit of ignoring or defying laws with which they disagree. They have a particular indifference to laws regarding the second amendment, drugs, and immigration.
Lately, immigration law might be under attack more than anything else. Since Trump’s election, Democrats have extended a hand to individuals who have entered the country illegally. They’re fighting for their chance to stay and shielding them from the chance of getting caught.
See what one Massachusetts State Representative is doing to undermine ICE on the next page:
prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Look at all the races white folks who ancestors came down here to America and committed Indian Genocide. We see it in your blood ya can’t help ya KKK by heart.
Lock her up
Throw her$#%&!@*in prison show em how it’s going to be if anybody uphold Sanctuary cities
Criminal is all I can say about her actions. There is a reason illegal or undocumented immagrants are nervous and they should be. Are people who break into your home welcomed, I think not, you call the police amd they are takem away, not protected.
Should be removed and
Fire her and jail her.
She needs to be arrested for obstruction of federal laws. Start throwing these people in jail and see how fast it changes.
Her words ” If you are undocumented ” ! Grounds to be relieved of your official duties