When a legislator takes an oath of office, they promise to uphold the laws of the United States to the best of their ability. This oath should inform every decision an elected official makes — but too often it’s ignored or forgotten.
Legislators — particularly on the left — have made a habit of ignoring or defying laws with which they disagree. They have a particular indifference to laws regarding the second amendment, drugs, and immigration.
Lately, immigration law might be under attack more than anything else. Since Trump’s election, Democrats have extended a hand to individuals who have entered the country illegally. They’re fighting for their chance to stay and shielding them from the chance of getting caught.
See what one Massachusetts State Representative is doing to undermine ICE on the next page:
Put that witch in jail
Lock her up
Needs to go to jail
Arrest her thats interfering with the law
Complete Jewish Bible
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Ezekiel 12
1 The word of Adonai came to me: 2 “Human being, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes that can see, but they don’t take notice; and they have ears that can hear, but they don’t pay attention; because they are a rebellious people.
I have no trouble with those who abide by our laws. procedures have been put in place by our forefathers so invaders would not once again try to take away the freedoms and rights of the future generations. I would like to add there are more than just a few illegal aliens living off of the services that american tax payers provide. at last count there was nearly 17 Million on public assistance , but then again, those are numbers that came out from a corrupt administration.. Mexico’s former ambassador to the U.S. said there are more than 30 million downtrodden Mexican citizens undocumented immigrants”In America today and are among Mexico’s Poorest population and are Harden mentally ill criminals“ saying that’s it’s going to cost The United States TAXPAYER about $$$130 Billion Dollars $$$ or MUCH MORE to deport them back to Mexico relocate and establish homes and business for them. laws border watchdog groups have long contended that the actual number of illegal Mexican immigrants alone in the U.S. is closer to 30 To 55 Million… According to the US Bureau of the Census, 55 million of Hispanic origin, According to the United Nations THE OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLIONS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS LIVING IN AMERICA ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE REFUGEE STATUS??? Extending Full U.N. Military Armed Protection To All Illegals as ‘Refugees’ Crossing Into The U.S. American Borders and reparations and full benefits as “refugees.” With true refugee status, these immigrants would be eligible to seek asylum. Those granted asylum could then file a form to obtain permanent residence and could even petition to bring their entire family into the United States with Full Public Assistance Packages Of $38,000 Dollars A Year Or More,Tax free benefits including Social Security for themselves and all of their family members with disability food stamps living ad for the rest of their life .
I am for immigration reform in restoring and protecting of our future,but in the context of first closing our borders then capturing all those who are illegally on our soil and prosecuting them to the fullest. gender, age or race.religion I don’t care if you are from the middle east or from europe. if you enter our country illegally, you have broken our laws and not only should be sent home With any children born here but prosecuted and serve time in our prisons to teach them that we do not tolerate an invasion of our public programs being manipulated.if someone drops their children off at a stranger’s home and leaves they do not become part of the stranger’s responsibilities for care or if a pregnant individual gives birth in a cab or a bus or subway you would not abandoned them there for life they should be one with in itself and be returned to their family’s and to their homeland and their culture until a time were they are of legal age where they may choose for themselves if they would like to return to America legally or stay in their home land and as for anyone who came here illegally and is deported they may never again enter any of our ports and to all those who speak so highly of illegal aliens being in our country and who hold different views then our constitution, I think we should provide you with free passage to go to any country that will accept you. be grateful we don’t execute you like they would do in most of these countries you love so much. I would like to remind all my friends that we must continue to speak out against employers, lawyers, landlords and anyone else who aide and abet such criminals. their licenses should be revoked and all privileges taken away… Kevin P Sullivan NYCB.
U.N. warns united states house of representatives on illegal immigrant rights
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-rights-migrants-idUSTRE68T2OT20100930 …