A couple of ordinary Maryland dairy farmers are actively going after the IRS. And some members of Congress have joined them.
Members of the House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee fired off a missive to Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew ordering him to order the IRS to return funds the agency wrongly seized from two farmers.
The IRS took Randy and Karen Sowers’ $29,500 based on highly criticized monetary laws that make it a crime to make multiple deposits just under $10,000 – a law to stop money laundering, but is often abused now. See the video on the next page!
What about Sharpton and Rangel two Tax Cheats.
They must be scared of A..s Sharpton
irs…….ANOTHER BRANCH OF THUGS-they belong to 666bh & commierades.
Yea , it is about time. The IRS should also be done away with. We pay enouph taxes as it is !!!
If armed IRS agents darken my door, I’ll tell them this is a No Gun Zone.
The IRS is so corrupt, it should be abolished. Congress needs to p$#%&!@* a flat or fair tax.
The IRS has gotten to be a BIG octopus with an arm in every one business when it can not even manage their own. Just because they are Federal they feel that what ever they do , no one will fault them. They steal from small business owners without charging them with a crime. Then they keep their money. I am so glad that you are fighting back. I think you should file a civil suit so others can join you.
do away with the irs, go to a flat tax