Martin Shkreli is a 32-year-old former hedge fund manager who simply has too much money and too much ego. He is an opportunistic millennial who has no heart and may simply be a sociopath.
For anyone who cannot remember, Shkreli is the former chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, which sold a little known 62 year old drug called Daraprim. The drug was a life-saving medication for AIDS patients and others with a rare, compromised immune system disease, and prior to Shkreli taking the helm of Turing, the drug sold for $13.50 per tablet. He promptly raised the price to $750 per tablet, and challenged anyone to block his decision.
While there are certainly limits to how much government should be able to dictate private business practice, Shkreli exhibited some very compromised business ethics and quickly became a pariah in the business and health care community.
He smirked his way through it all.
Fortunately, he has now had his comeuppance and is on trial for other securities violations, though his outrageous price gouging is also playing a role in a government investigation where he is being questioned by various congressmen on the pricing scheme.
He is widely derided for his arrogance and smirking during the trial, clearly exhibited in the videos available on page 2.
See video, page 2:
My son gives my daughter this look when he tattles on her. This isn’t a man. It’s a spoiled boy who feels no empathy for others. I consider myself a capitalist, but there comes
A moral obligation with being a human being that he clearly doesn’t have.
Why didn’t someone just real back and$#%&!@*slap that$#%&!@* Profiting off of the misery of others. Aim and FIRE!!!!!
He is a cancer
more political theater. These people are protected by the big boys making the monies.
As much as I dislike this selfish idiot, I kind of agree with smirking at these so called “Representatives” who have caused most of what ails this Nation……..
I am glad he laughed at them. The House and senate are a joke. They grab this guy for price gouging medication and in the meantime bankers like Goldman Sachs take billions of tax payer dollars illegally thru bail outs and such and the tax payer eats it…Washington’s establishment thought they would get a body to point their finger at to take attention away from what scumbags THEY are and he told them to$#%&!@*themselves.
imagine how much money he could make by charging folks $5 a pop to punch him in the face. I’d get in line a few times.
I wonder what his parents think of their offspring?