Mention martial law and images of heavily-armed military units responding to some crisis coupled with a suspension of civil liberties come to mind. Although martial law might be declared after some severe natural disaster, its implementation can also result in several other ways.
It’s something that Americans tend to see as happening in a country other than the US. But what would it take to bring about its institution here and what would it look like? And with elements in the US government that are looking for an excuse to declare martial law as the ultimate power grab, could some event be deliberately designed and staged by shadowy US government agencies to create an excuse to suspend civil liberties and even the presidential election?
None of this should be dismissed as “conspiracy theories” as the possible consequences are far too serious.
Those disturbing questions and more are addressed beginning on page two.
George Soros has only one month left with his puppet Obama. Congress took a lot of his power away, but not all! Holding my breath since this could be the end!
Never happen
Obama, is Mentally Unstable.
Obummer’s plan from the start…
Hasn’t any1 ben paying attention these last 8 yrs ? Obama doesn’t play by any1s rules but his. He should have ben gone along time ago but no, that wood look racist. Now if nothings done about him & soon it may b 2 late 2 do anything.
There has been multiple sightings across the country of Armored UN Vehicles both moving in convoy as well as parked by the thousands in old abandon manufacturing sites.
This is b******t. Obama CANNOT declare National Martial law. Can NOT, impossible, unlawful order, etc, etc. I don’t know how to say this any stronger, read a book people! Use something other than a damned Internet for knowledge!
You are the one who needs to read. Try reading up about the executive orders Obummer gave himself several years ago. At this point, even the current riots may be enough for him to “save the day” by declaring Martial Law.
Naw, we don’t need martial law,we need to be cropping burucrats.
He knows it