Mention martial law and images of heavily-armed military units responding to some crisis coupled with a suspension of civil liberties come to mind. Although martial law might be declared after some severe natural disaster, its implementation can also result in several other ways.
It’s something that Americans tend to see as happening in a country other than the US. But what would it take to bring about its institution here and what would it look like? And with elements in the US government that are looking for an excuse to declare martial law as the ultimate power grab, could some event be deliberately designed and staged by shadowy US government agencies to create an excuse to suspend civil liberties and even the presidential election?
None of this should be dismissed as “conspiracy theories” as the possible consequences are far too serious.
Those disturbing questions and more are addressed beginning on page two.
Hi Jake. Thanks for the “double-pay” article! I’ve finished the other four articles assigned today, so I’ll get started on this one in a bit. When you say to make it a “four-pager,” does that mean I am to use the “Next Page Link” button three times to divide it up into four pages? Thanks again, Craig
Okay, here it is. Consistent with your guidelines, I’ve tried to end each page on something of a “cliff-hanger” in an attempt to get the reader to go to the next page.
Thanks again for this opportunity.
While it’s VERY HARD to understand why Americans haven’t come together to arrest POTUS AND CONGRESS. IF you manage to escape this raid on Americans head direct to WH and do your Constitutional duty!
If I was Military and Obumma Told me to take up arms against my fellow Americans I would shoot him first or die trying !
The Rock is still coming.
The one that wizzed by the other day was nothing in comparison.
None say Revolution.
Any of those 5 reasons for martial law obama has started himself my prayer is that he may get very sick and die in jesse name before he ruins us he and Hillary are the most selfish evil people I’ve ever seen may god put a hedge of protection around his family
martial law reactivated citizen soldiers and anymore of him as commander in chief should result in civil war butt when lawlessness happens it will put a bulls eye on him bring it race baiter