Martial Law in the US: 5 Likely Trigger Events

police state martial law

It’s not a possibility anyone would want to consider — that one’s own government might create an “event” that it uses to establish martial law and take complete control of the people.  But once such a scenario becomes possible, prudence requires careful examination.  With the Obama administration considering the implementation of martial law as desirable, the next step is to see under what circumstances such implementation might occur.

1. Economic Meltdown

Over the course of this past year, we have seen a tremendous amount of volatility in trade (international) and the U.S.’s domestic manufacturing base.  As our fragile economy is based on 75% of consumer spending, any significant downturn that keeps the shoppers home can lead to disastrous reports.  Lower consumer spending means people do not buy goods and services beyond the absolute essentials, and worse: (in the government’s eyes) they hoard money and withdraw their funds from bank accounts.

With the solvency of major financial institutions currently in doubt, an economic collapse is far from out of the question.

A “Bank Holiday”has already happened in places such as Indianapolis, and when the politicians, bankers, and oligarchs decide, they will pull the plug on a Federal Reserve system of fiat currency that is already an ineffective laughingstock of a smirking world that is steadily returning to the gold standard. When that Bank Holiday is declared, you can be sure the financial systems will collapse and Martial Law will be waiting in the wings.

2. Cyberattack

This one is definitely one of the administration’s favorites.  We’ve been seeing signs of this with the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and DNI (Director of National Intelligence) letters and statements that the Russian government is hacking into the American electoral and election process.

That generates this frightening question:

If other governments can crash our internet and servers, do you think it is possible that the U.S. government as directed by the Obama administration can do it on its own?

When that occurs, cell phones will go down, the computers will go down, the financial markets will be in a turmoil and cease trading, and ATM’s and bank cards will be rendered useless. Transportation, inventories, shipping, and deliveries will all be thrown into a turmoil and come to a halt.

Bottom line: if all of this goes down as a result of a cyberattack, Martial Law will immediately follow.

3. “Unforeseeable/Black Swan” Event

As of last week, Obama just signed an Executive Order (EO), entitled “Executive Order: Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events,” signed10/13/2016.  Such an EO could cover meteor strikes, Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) from the sun, a comet, or any other space anomaly.

That may not sound like a particularly worrisome set of possibilities since Obama, fortunately, cannot control events like meteor strikes or what happens on the sun.  The problem with that thinking is that the same results described above can be created artificially.

Who is to prevent Obama from either causing another nation to launch an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) weapon, or launching one of his own (U.S.-made weapon), taking down the grid and subsequently blaming it on a CME event/solar storm, courtesy of the sun?

… natural disasters (initiated by man or genuine) usually result in Martial Law at the state level on a regular basis, much less one that is national in scope…that Obama would jump on to inculcate Martial Law.

Concerned yet?  There are two more extremely catastrophic potential scenarios to be examined along with some conclusions to be drawn on page four.

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