Martial Law Declared In NYC As Police Threaten Arrests For Going Outside

This means that citizens will be unable to meet up with family members not immediately with them when the storm strikes, and anyone who does will likely end up in a jail cell alongside actual criminals, all for trying to stay in touch with their loved ones.

While the government does have a duty to protect it’s citizens, this duty does not give the government carte blanche to regulate citizen’s travel habits as it sees fit. Even though most New Yorkers will probably remain in the relative safety of their homes, some might be willing to brave the incoming storm and make sure they’re with their families. Who are the NYPD to deny them this?

“We are asking people to make good common sense decisions. Use your head,” @NYPDChiefofDept says.

“Last year no one got arrested. People made the right decisions. We are looking for that again today,” @NYPDChiefofDept says re: travel ban

Source: Weekly Standard

However….in spite of the impending hand of authoritarianism…a few reminded everyone else what true American spirit looks like in the face of adversity…



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