No one should have expected Donald Trump to have an easy time of it as president. His brashness, coupled with his refusal to toe the establishment line during the campaign earned him the animosity of many within the Republican Party not to mention the Democrats. When he won the election thereby humiliating both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the left resolved to use whatever measures necessary to exact their revenge.
The positions and agenda President Trump has outlined are so threatening to entrenched power structures, including what has come to be called the Deep State, that his removal from office has become an obsession of these people. Hence, we have witnessed a continual stream of accusations that began even before his inauguration. The Russian controversy was an early effort to derail him. So were the accusations of conflicts of interest with his businesses. Then there is the controversy over the firing of the FBI director.
That these sorts of issues and incidents pop up is no accident.
More on page two.
But they aren’t going to go away without a fight. Doubt they will even go away unless we do something about it like round up their asses and$#%&!@*to north Korea where they can get off to all the socialism their lives will take.
Mark Levin, I don’t know who you are, but you are obviously a weak field flower, a twisted quivering daisy. You have not the strength to stand up for what is right and true. Donald Trump is 1000 times the man you are. You are a disgrace.
We will still follow Trump!! I am for totally splitting this country!! The dems can have California and New York!! The rest is ours!!!
Liberal sore losers continue to make asses of themselves, being upset because their choice the disbarred corrupt lawyer ethics violator Clinton and her bimbo chasing husband Slick Willy were kept from stinking up our Whitehouse again.
He’s just a bit of a pessimist, that’s all
The people will. The RINOs in the government are already trying to oust him. McCain will likely go full nut case.
Have another election today. He would elected again. We need to stand by him and let him make America great again. It is happening
They paid USA for the arms deal, it will go for them to fight Isis instead of our men dying! I have faith in Trump, everyone should take a deep breath and give the man the benefit of the doubt, we damn sure did with Ovomit
If they do not, we will never back them , again! Most of them are gutless wonders!