No one should have expected Donald Trump to have an easy time of it as president. His brashness, coupled with his refusal to toe the establishment line during the campaign earned him the animosity of many within the Republican Party not to mention the Democrats. When he won the election thereby humiliating both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the left resolved to use whatever measures necessary to exact their revenge.
The positions and agenda President Trump has outlined are so threatening to entrenched power structures, including what has come to be called the Deep State, that his removal from office has become an obsession of these people. Hence, we have witnessed a continual stream of accusations that began even before his inauguration. The Russian controversy was an early effort to derail him. So were the accusations of conflicts of interest with his businesses. Then there is the controversy over the firing of the FBI director.
That these sorts of issues and incidents pop up is no accident.
More on page two.
What world do you live in?
Enough with the b******t !!!
Levin is one of the Beck , Erickson etc Never Trumpers who consider themselves ” true” conservatives ! They’re self righteous blowhards !
They have to bring Trump down because so many are corrupt and they know it’s just a matter of time for their jail time. Trump is going to expose everyone of these evil, corrupt bastard and make sure they do their time.
WHY DO WE EVEN VOTE REPUBLICAN, THEY ARE COWARDS! Republicans do NOT know how to fight or win! Most have no guts, no spine and/or no balls. We need to vote them ALL out and bring in new representatives that want to work for us in Washington instead of just sitting on their butts for years, drawing a paycheck without working for the people, it is all about them and they are getting as bad as the Democrats. One thing for sure is that Democrats unite and stand their ground, Republicans could learn at least one positive thing from them. I thought for once we could make a difference but they were there long before Trump and NOTHING new. Remember their names, vote them OUT of office for NOT getting in front of the cameras and fighting AGAINST the Democrats and the media and FOR the President.
Oh Mark, do you think we’d countenance a coup without a fight?
In liberal minds only
We patriots will !.
God is on his side