No one should have expected Donald Trump to have an easy time of it as president. His brashness, coupled with his refusal to toe the establishment line during the campaign earned him the animosity of many within the Republican Party not to mention the Democrats. When he won the election thereby humiliating both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the left resolved to use whatever measures necessary to exact their revenge.
The positions and agenda President Trump has outlined are so threatening to entrenched power structures, including what has come to be called the Deep State, that his removal from office has become an obsession of these people. Hence, we have witnessed a continual stream of accusations that began even before his inauguration. The Russian controversy was an early effort to derail him. So were the accusations of conflicts of interest with his businesses. Then there is the controversy over the firing of the FBI director.
That these sorts of issues and incidents pop up is no accident.
More on page two.
We the People need to flex NOW! Sick of the LEFT! The group of hate, doom, and gloom!
We have a better understanding of who the domestic ones are than the foreign ones !
Congress will pay for what they are doing to the American people!
Today’s Liberalism and Progressivism are Cowardice, Perverted, Lazy, Entitled and incapable of truth… This cancerous mentalities devouring the world.
LIBERALISM is America’s #1 Enemy! They are the only ones who are laying down with their legs spread wide open along with the door to America, inviting Islam and Anti-American elements into America. If you don’t destroy the sick Liberal cancer devouring America you might as well hand your kids and grandchildren over to Islam!
Fight back now or be devoured!
Obama is a Treasonous Muslim and his sole purpose has always been to weaken and destroy America internally and he was given 8 full years and did just that. Not this Treasonous criminal knows ALL of America’s most intimate secrets and weaknesses now, He is continuing to work against America and plan more destruction.
He is Truly America’s enemy #1.
He is the snake of the most poisonous kind
If the Treasonous Muslim Obama can double the National debt in 8yrs more than All the Presidents Put Together then we will give A Real Man and Leader Trump a quarter of that to play with.
Russia is a Liberal distraction to try to turn the heads of True Good Americans away from the Treasonous criminal Muslim Obama and his collusion with his Muslim brotherhood Iran to continue destabilizing America.
Democrats and false republicans must go now.
I don’t have a clue what the$#%&!@*your talking about
It’s just the reverse the curtain has been lifted and now we can see who these Democrats really are party of destruction of the Constitution and our country
And WHY are those attempting to subvert our President and government , in plain sight and knowledge of, NOT ROUNDED UP AND CHARGED???? The total disgrace of a former president in the lead, to boot! Obamas entire presidency should be erased from our history!!!!!!