No one should have expected Donald Trump to have an easy time of it as president. His brashness, coupled with his refusal to toe the establishment line during the campaign earned him the animosity of many within the Republican Party not to mention the Democrats. When he won the election thereby humiliating both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the left resolved to use whatever measures necessary to exact their revenge.
The positions and agenda President Trump has outlined are so threatening to entrenched power structures, including what has come to be called the Deep State, that his removal from office has become an obsession of these people. Hence, we have witnessed a continual stream of accusations that began even before his inauguration. The Russian controversy was an early effort to derail him. So were the accusations of conflicts of interest with his businesses. Then there is the controversy over the firing of the FBI director.
That these sorts of issues and incidents pop up is no accident.
More on page two.
Trump would have to be PROVEN to have broken the law Which he has not) before he can be LEGALLY impeached. Suggesting that the FBI director visit the possibility of dropping Flynns investigation to move on and to focus on some agendas such as those like ….say…Obama’s part in any unveiling of names? etc….AND the people are ready and willing rise up and stand up… would a lot of our military to preserve the seat of our elected President!! The liberals seem to forget who owns the majority of the guns in this nation. Be careful Liberals……we bite when we are cornered. HARD.
Never going to happen. None of this.
We are supporting Trump
So was the FBI director that important to the Democratic party? We the people don’t care about the democrats agenda! The Democratic agenda seemed to throw the USA to the Muslims! America is better than that! America is a lot better than that!
We the people feel the Democratic party doesn’t have the USA best interest in mind! And believe that the democrats party should no longer be an establishment that has a say in America’s future!
Let me tell you old man, the president will never go nowhere for the 60 million people that voted for him will never let lt happen, guaranteed!!!!!!
He was a Cruz guy. But we all know how that turned out!
This is ridiculous .
They need to leave President Trump alone
But he will stand strong until the Lord says it is done…evil will fail.