Mark Levin: Trump is a Few Steps from ‘Being Destroyed’

All of the controversies engulfing the president have one end point. It’s not the weakening of the president or the prevention of various policy initiatives being enacted. The goal is his removal from office. The Deep State including various factions within the intelligence community are part of it. More overtly, we see Mr. Obama setting up operations in Washington to fight his predecessor. And Hillary has returned to the scene as part of the “resistance movement.”

That those last two paragons of virtue should be criticizing anyone’s integrity is nauseating. They, especially Hillary, have persevered in spite of some of the grossest examples of corruption because their purposes and those of the establishment, the neocons, the Deep State, and assorted leftists coincide. In addition, they have free media support worth billions of dollars if they had to pay for it.

In any event, the question must now be asked whether President Trump can persevere in the face of all of this determined and powerful opposition. And, sadly, it must be asked whether the Republicans will stand by their president — something Mr. Obama and the Clintons never, ever had to worry about.

Leading conservative commentator Mark Levin says the Trump administration is within a few steps of “being destroyed.”  And no wonder, with Republicans and even members of Trump’s own White House staff running from him like scalded dogs.

1) Some Republicans are starting to talk about what a Pence presidency would look like.  They are already presuming that Trump will be gone soon.

Erick Erickson, a conservative pundit who was a strong Never Trumper but then pledged to give the president a chance, wrote on Wednesday that Republicans should abandon the president because they “have no need for him with Mike Pence in the wings.”

2) It has just been revealed that House majority leader Kevin McCarthy alleged, in a recorded conversation, that President Trump is in the pay of Vladimir Putin.

A month before Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination, one of his closest allies in Congress – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy – made a politically explosive assertion in a private conversation on Capitol Hill with his fellow GOP leaders: that Trump could be the beneficiary of payments from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

3) Even staffers in the White House are getting ready to jump ship:

[M]id-level aides have started reaching out to consultants, shopping their resumes. And at least one senior staffer has begun privately talking to friends about what a post-White House job

4) Some Republicans are even starting to talk about impeachment:

Republican congressman Justin Amash told The Hill that if reports were true about Mr Trump’s pressure on Mr Comey, it would merit impeachment.

Now we must remember that the author of this piece, Mark Levin, for all his conservative beliefs, was never anything close to a supporter of Mr. Trump during the primaries. His support since then might be more talk than reality.

While not supporting “situational ethics,” the fact remains that some of those attacking the president have committed some of the most egregious offenses in recent American political history. What they have done, and so for gotten away with, in no way excuses such behavior in anyone else. The disgrace is that they still run free.

Yet we have a president whose agenda is so threatening to powerful interests inside and outside of government, that the decision has been made that he must be taken down regardless of the measures required. If there is something that might be questionable about his administration, it will be claimed to be proof of an impeachable offense. If there are no such issues that can be manipulated and amplified, ones will be created just for that purpose.

What is especially sad is the cowardice of some in the Republican Party who are ready to jump ship at the first sign of trouble. This does not include people like John McCain who are neither true conservatives nor loyal to the president, but others in the party who are so scared of losing their seats that they will sell out the president.

What they are apparently not intelligent enough to realize is the result of their betrayal might well be the end of the Republican Party’s majority in both houses for many years to come.

Source: American Thinker



  1. Jennifer Barnes

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