Footage has emerged of Marines training in riot control at the Naval Weapons Station in Yorktown, Virginia.
The video was posted on April 21st and the accompanying description reads: “Marines with the Bravo Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team Company on Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Yorktown, Virginia conducted an operational readiness exercise, which evaluates the team’s ability to perform riot control. The ORE determines of the marines are ready to take their final step in pre-deployment training. After completing and meeting the requirements of the ORE evaluation the Marines will go to Quantico, Virginia for their final phase of pre-deployment training.”
Marines have been training in Riot control every year for the past 30 years since the riots in LA. How do I know!? Look at my photo and I got my certificate of pepper spray approval back in 2002. Stay frosty.
the most $#%&!@*ed up thing is i bet if i wanted to post a $#%&!@*ing cat video i could
Because marines training for riots is something new right? You guys are retards.
what world do you live in obama is doing this for control. put the fear into the sheep and they will march off nicely to the fema camps
My father was a marine and he would be horified at this so where are our true blue Marines that are suppose to protect America not destroy it?
also you will not here of anyone getting concern about any thing unless you county there money. they have bunks there family will go to , what about you when the $#%&!@* hits the fan and it will
When the lights go out, then it will be time to party…lol did you here the one about the Roman soldier standing there daydreaming with his finger in his nose?
0bama WILL seize power next year, he has to or face treason charges and prison.
He will also reveal his true nature.
0bama IS the Antichrist.
What the $#%&!@* people!?!? Why are you all so stupid? That’s what needs to be controlled, ignorance. Riot control operations have been a primary mission of Fast companies for decades, emb$#%&!@*y details as well. Do us all a favor and drowned yourselves and stop reproducing.
Urban warfare, our troops do fight combat/occupation in residential urban zones.. Jade Helm is an exercise to plan strategy if we were invaded from the south. It’s not the first time this exercise has been practiced.