Mississippi’s National Guard has reported that soldiers training at Camp Shelby were fired upon on Tuesday at 11:45 a.m.
No injuries were reported at the military installation, which is described as “the largest state-owned and operated field training site in the United States.” Currently, it is one of two locations in Mississippi where US Army Special Operations Command is conducting Jade Helm training exercise.
Who fired upon the soldiers leaving us with many questions….
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More paranoia
This whole jade helm operation is another step of failed training.
Jade Helm! Are those really American troops? Very debatable!
Set up. Trying to set up martial law.
Made up story. They want the guns from the local preppers.
Let me $#%&!@*ure you in order to attempt Marshall law you have to have the Military to inforce it. We know 100 percent that our military will not go along with a lawful order and obomas dream will collapse. Thats when he will be replaced with a man in the military untill the next election.
Jesus is not God
Islamic Evil
Becauseyou are supposed to read and get butthurt and not $#%&!@*yze