Mississippi’s National Guard has reported that soldiers training at Camp Shelby were fired upon on Tuesday at 11:45 a.m.
No injuries were reported at the military installation, which is described as “the largest state-owned and operated field training site in the United States.” Currently, it is one of two locations in Mississippi where US Army Special Operations Command is conducting Jade Helm training exercise.
Who fired upon the soldiers leaving us with many questions….
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dropo a bomb into this camp and wipe itout completely,
I hope not, I don’t think our great country can take another 4 years of this failed aministration.
It wasn’t Marines. It was national Guard soldiers
Think somebody is.itching.for Martial war, Tricky.
CALL TO ARMS #pastatemalitiaforming better to be overprepared then under anyone’s thumb! Learn to shoot as a unit move like one your kid’s futures depend on it squishing this NOW ensures our great great grandbabies won’t have to worry! Now or Later you will be learning I say NOW so if it does happen we have a plan or LETS BRING THE FIGHT TO THEM
@[1599123486:2048:Jennifer Claywell]
They need to stay out them woods
I think we are in grave danger !!!
Thank God Sam Simmons wasn’t there!