Marine Le Pen: ‘I will not submit!’ to Angela Merkel, EU

Among the most successful of the new generation of European rightists is Marine Le Pen, who has helped make Euroscepticism (that is, distrust of the European Union and concern for maintaining the sovereignty of individual countries) a major part of the Front National party’s platform. This attitude was abundantly on display this weekend, when she criticized her opponents for refusing to so much as lift a finger regarding what should be done about France’s problems without turning to Angela Merkel and the EU for direction on such matters:

The Front National leader told a cheering crowd last night: “What will be the first thing these presidential candidates will do?”They will go and see Mrs Merkel and ask: ‘Mrs Merkel is it right to do this? Is it right to do that?'”

She added: “Merkel and Juncker are the perpetuators of this dominance.

“You will see that. They will all make the same trip to Brussels to ask for instructions and permission.

“But I won’t. I will not ask for instructions from Mrs Merkel! Not from Mr Juncker! Nor from Mr Draghi! I will not submit.”

“In a survey this week from French thinktank CEVIPOF, the Front National leader came out on top as the candidate “who really wants to change things”.

Her polling has also been boosted following a surge of violence across France.

The alleged rape of a young black man at the hands of the police in the Paris suburbs has provoked a spate of violent protests.

Ms Le Pen has criticised the Government’s response to the violence on the streets.

She has called on officials to ban all anti-police riots.

She popularised the hashtag ‘#JesoutiensLaPolice,’ which means ‘I back the police’.

Her Front National party said: “In a context marked by the fight against Islamist terrorism, a state of emergency, riots in certain suburbs, we are staggered by the government’s silence and inaction.”


Source: Express



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