Marine Le Pen Smacks Down Reporter: “No One Trusts the Media”

‘No One Trusts the Media’, Marine Le Pen replied.

Lets call a spade a spade. The MSM is a machine owned by corporate globalists. They CAN’T allow the truth to be revealed, as it would undermine their sole objective: to control the world’s population via misinformation and omissions of the truth.

Knowledge IS power, and ignorance IS bliss, but that bliss comes at a hefty price. How many smiling fools do you see with Obama bumper stickers pasted to their back car window, front door, backpack, and/or school locker?

That kind of stupidity CAN NOT solely be the reaction of all the “medical marijuana,” they’re smoking. That kind of stupid stems from birth.

A fascinating exchange in which French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen informs a reporter that no one trusts the media highlights how incredibly disconnected from reality the establishment press really is.





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