‘No One Trusts the Media’, Marine Le Pen replied.
Lets call a spade a spade. The MSM is a machine owned by corporate globalists. They CAN’T allow the truth to be revealed, as it would undermine their sole objective: to control the world’s population via misinformation and omissions of the truth.
Knowledge IS power, and ignorance IS bliss, but that bliss comes at a hefty price. How many smiling fools do you see with Obama bumper stickers pasted to their back car window, front door, backpack, and/or school locker?
That kind of stupidity CAN NOT solely be the reaction of all the “medical marijuana,” they’re smoking. That kind of stupid stems from birth.
A fascinating exchange in which French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen informs a reporter that no one trusts the media highlights how incredibly disconnected from reality the establishment press really is.
WOW!!! It sounds like the French MSM is as corrupt as the American MSM!!!!!!
And she’s right
Vive Le Pen!
Just imagine if the global propaganda machine were to be shut down. There might even be world peace eventually!