A young former marine in Detroit recently experienced one of every father’s worst nightmares. Armed robbers.
It was an ordinary evening for Joey Nelson. He was at home with his fiance, their 3 week old child, and a couple of friends. Then, all of a sudden, they were startled by violent pounding on the front door, and someone trying to force their way in. Nelson grabbed his gun and told the thug to leave. That’s when things turned violent.
In a bizarre and frightening turn of events, the marine, Joey Nelson, is now the one being criminally charged for fighting off the armed thugs.
According to Fox 2 Detroit:
Westland police say the man outside was 39-year-old Michael Wilson of Detroit.
“I don’t know (who he is), my son doesn’t know him, the owner of the home doesn’t know him,” said Steve Nelson.
Cracking the door frame Nelson’s family says Joey grabbed his gun and yelled for Wilson to leave.
“He opened up the door because he was standing here in the yard,” Steve Nelson said. “(Joey) told him to get off his property and at that time (Wilson) produced a gun and started shooting at my son.”
Nelson’s family says the young Marine was shot in the hip before calling 911 and telling everyone to get downstairs. Joey Nelson fired back at Wilson who they say took off as police arrived.
Although Joey Nelson is charged with several felonies, Michael Wilson is only charged with carrying a concealed weapon.
“This man out here in the front yard fired multiple shots into a house with multiple people inside and a 3-week-old baby simple and he’s (only) charged with concealing a weapon illegally?” asked Steve Nelson.
You’d think the law would protect a man’s right to protect his family from outside intruders. But apparently, being an actual man is now against the law.
Nelson is the one being punished for trying to protect his family!
Nelson has been charged with assault with intent to commit murder, assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder, assault with a dangerous weapon and felony firearm possession. If convicted, he faces up to life in prison.
A judge set his bond at $150,000 and scheduled his next court appearance for next week Thursday.
Wilson has been charged with carrying a concealed weapon, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
A judge set Wilson’s bond at $5,000 and scheduled his next court appearance for next week Thursday.
Whereas the thugs breaking in just got a few slaps on the wrist!!
Officials said Wednesday the three people involved in the shooting — Kori Willhite, 24, of Garden City, Joseph Nelson, 28, of Westland, and Michael Wilson, 39, of Detroit — were arrested after the shooting, officials said.
Willhite has been charged in court with disguising her identification to police officer and possession of improper prescription drugs, both misdemeanors. A judge set her bond at $50,000 and scheduled her next court appearance for Tuesday
If you think is an outrage and disgrace, do something!
You can reach the Wayne County District Attorney Kym Worthy at (313) 224-5777.
You can reach Westland police chief Jeff Jedrusik at 734-722-9600.
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, the public official charging Nelson with felonies and giving Wilson a slap on the wrist
Source: Gateway Pundit
I honestly want to agree with that but murder is murder. So lets say we just do the same thing at The judges house and see what comes of it. Sometimes a lesson learned is even better!
He didn’t kill anyone.
what are you talking about murder for. He’s the one who got shot, the one that should be in jail got away , murder, know what your talking about before you say it.please that you
In this case it is reverse discrimination. The Black DA is showing preference to another black person(Criminal) over a White person.
and we ca He is the wrong person in jail, the other person belongs in jail . The constitution states we can defend ourselves and defend our homes and family . That Ma was defending his family. He has a right under the constitution to do so. He’s A hero. They need to let him out of jail and do their jobs by getting the right man in jail. This Is Injustifiable. what happened to the laws of our country is it all for one or one for all.