When a Marine General speaks out, one would be wise to listen, and when a Marine warns the nation about our national security, one would be insane to not listen.
Luckily, many were listening when General John Paxton, who serves as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, stated before the Senate Armed Services Committee that the branch might not be ready if they need to defend the country from a sudden threat. He further warned that the Marines could very well face high casualties and fail to stop possible enemies.
Speaking along with leaders from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, Paxton said the branch does not sufficient training and equipment to maintain the ability of servicemen to fight. He added that he is worried “about the capability and capacity [of the Marine Corps] to win a major fight.”
That such an assessment is being made at all should shock Americans, but that it’s being made by a high-ranking official of the Marines should shock them into action.
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Of course, this creeping malaise within our armed forces is no surprise. Paxton is only the latest military leader to call attention to the weakening of the military. It’s part of a deliberately-planned policy of the Obama administration to degrade servicemen’s ability to mobilize and defend the US from attack:
“’All of our intelligence and communications battalions…would be unable to execute their full wartime mission requirements if called upon today,’ he said.
The aviation units are faring no better, Paxton said. Approximately 80 percent of Marine aviation units lack the amount of ready aircraft that they need for training and to respond to an emergency, he said.
Paxton was repeatedly questioned about the Marines’ ability to respond to contingencies after the high number of training accidents its aviation squadrons faced in the last year. The collision of two Marine Corps’ CH-53 Super Stallions off the coast of Hawaii in January raised questions whether budget cuts were leading to a higher number of pilot and crew deaths.
On Tuesday, Paxton said the service is looking at whether there is a connection.
‘We are concerned about an increasing number of aircraft mishaps and accidents,’ he said. ‘We’re looking to see if there’s a linear correlation. We know historically that if you don’t have the money and you don’t have the parts and you don’t have the maintenance, then you fly less. We call it ‘sets and reps’ – you need sets and repetitions to keep proficiency up there. So we truly believe if you fly less and maintain slower there’s a higher likelihood of accidents. So we’re worried.’”
Source: Stars And Stripes, Truth And Action
WE ARE A DEMOCRACY COUNTRY NOT A COMMUNIST COUNTRY !! Democracy is further defined as (a:) “government by the people; especially : rule of the majority (b:) ” a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.”
Well of course not, that’s the plan coming out of the WH !
That’s an Army general in the picture…
Every Military Senior Officer always says that they need more weapons, more troops, more everything.
Look at the Defense budget.
Obama proposed $579 Billion
GOP CONTROLLED Congress gave him $569 Billion.
Looks like the GOP establishment is blaming POTUS for cutting his proposed budget.
You and I are paying taxes to support this excessive spending. Each man woman and child pays $1800 per year in taxes to support the defense budget.
Since Only 61M households pay income tax, the amount paid by each household is $9,500 yearly.
Some of the defense budget would be better spent, along with foreign aid dollars, improving our schooling systems. It wouldn’t take much.
No your not. In 1945 this was an unstoppable country with its Military, and stay styrong for awhile until the government started stabbing everyone in the back and killing men that wanted to put the end to wars we were in.Their Karma is going to be hell to pay
That photo is not a Marine general.
all we need are the Patriots and they will come and stand up with you sir. We know what has to be done sir !
#Donald Trump for President! S.E. Michigander YES I Campaign/Volunteering for TRUMP, President of the United States of America 2016!!
Boo hoo… the USA spends more then the next 7 countries combined… I guess we should pare down on the corruption, theft, fraud and waste…