President Obama promotes religious persecution at the workplace for Christians. Lance Corporal Monifa Sterling was court-martialed, at Camp Lejune, in North Carolina, because she refused to remove a Bible verse from her computer desktop.
She refused to capitulate to the demands to give up her religious freedom, when she stood her ground and would not remove the verse that reads, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”
The Marine Corp felt this verse must be deleted as it “could easily be seen as contrary to good order and discipline”. The U.S. military was founded by men who fought for the right to worship God, pray and read the Bible. General George Washington prayed for his troops and yet we have a Commander-in-Chief who actively supports the suppression of religious freedom.
The charges that will forever tarnish her record are that of ‘bad conduct and dishonorable discharge.” Yet Sterling, who stood her ground for her faith, refusing the remove, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper”, has a stronger advocate in her corner, based on the Truth of this verse.
Read what her attorney has said regarding this case on page two.
Praying for you
This will continue until Allah is taken out of our goverment and our country, we serve but one God, the God of the Holy bible.
God bless and Merry Christmas to Lance Corporal Monifa Sterling and ALL OUR FINEST, EVERYWHERE !!
This is utterly disgraceful and disgusting.
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good for you woman
Guess seperation of church and state is optional. Smh.
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This is wrong this better not be happening!!!
just because they are in the military they still have thier GOD GIVEN RIGHT OF RELIGION -OBAMA NEEDS TO GO –