Liberals’ obsession with raising taxes and gun control is bad enough, but apparently they don’t think so, because now they’re trying to combine the two.
Instead of simply banning handguns outright, the governor of the Northern Mariana Islands has decided to impose a whopping $1,000 tax to be paid on pistols – and idea Hillary Clinton endorsed back in 1993 as revealed in a newly released video seen on the next page.
The tax is per-pistol, meaning that citizens will have to shell out hundreds of dollars each time they want to get an additional firearm of that type.
Justifying the introduction of the tax, Governor Ralph Torres said that it was a necessary measure to ensure the safety of both law enforcement and the community. How this will help Mariana Islands residents protect themselves from common criminals remains a mystery.
But Torres is not content to simply abrogate the Second Amendment rights of the people he is supposed to represent: he honestly hopes that this new tax will serve as a “role model” for states in the continental US.
Learn more on the next page:
Just remember bill the Second Amendment is so we can protect ourselves against an oppressive government foreign or domestic
must have Hikkarys off shore accounts
we have got to clean house and when they start doing stupid stuff have them impeach we the people enough
Your an idiot
Another DUMBASS>
Anything for s vote. Scumbags
Oh sure it works for cigars taxes ,people still smoking big time ,we have people in office with no brains
The tax you thought you might get is going to evaporate ..Have you ever heard the word “Black Market” … There will still be gun sales and more of them, you just won’t know who is buying them.. Smart move Governor, you just shot yourself in the foot, by not getting your head out of your butt…
Any tax on a Constitutional right is against the Constitution. This is just another evasion on people’s rights. It’s time we start fighting back and put these people on a boat to another country.
Also would like to know how much taxes did Mexico,Iraq,Syria,Lybia and all the others pay for the weapons the government sent them?? At a $1000 a gun they should have enough to pay our national debt off.