Liberals’ obsession with raising taxes and gun control is bad enough, but apparently they don’t think so, because now they’re trying to combine the two.
Instead of simply banning handguns outright, the governor of the Northern Mariana Islands has decided to impose a whopping $1,000 tax to be paid on pistols – and idea Hillary Clinton endorsed back in 1993 as revealed in a newly released video seen on the next page.
The tax is per-pistol, meaning that citizens will have to shell out hundreds of dollars each time they want to get an additional firearm of that type.
Justifying the introduction of the tax, Governor Ralph Torres said that it was a necessary measure to ensure the safety of both law enforcement and the community. How this will help Mariana Islands residents protect themselves from common criminals remains a mystery.
But Torres is not content to simply abrogate the Second Amendment rights of the people he is supposed to represent: he honestly hopes that this new tax will serve as a “role model” for states in the continental US.
Learn more on the next page:
F**k you from the bottom of my heart.
How old is the picture of over the hill???
He looks fruity!!
The Mariana Island Governor will find himself out of a job when re election comes… so smile now cry later…
world war 3 stop it to day vote trump 2016
They want a war. This they hope will be the largest 3’rd world country. Damm that is sick.
maybe they should put a 50% tax on stupidity
Keep your$#%&!@*policies where they came from, up your$#%&!@*!!!