Clearly, something strange is afoot when so many strange and suspicious deaths occur among groups like this. It’s not only the positions and professions of these people, but the strange pattern and the very unusual manner in which they all died that makes one wonder: what is the connection?
For example, there’s the Denver banker who supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun, then there is the scientist studying infectious diseases who was stabbed 196 times, then three investigative journalists, all working in explosive areas die within 24 hours of one another…those strange deaths are just the tip of a very spooky iceberg.
Statistically, the chances of these deaths all being coincidental, unlinked strains credibility…unless it was all planned…
I agree
1) it is the nature of their fields of expertise and how their individual actions can or may impact Government. 2) The correleting ratio between the number of su$#%&!@*ious deaths among them far exceeds the ratio of similar deaths in the National population. Do the math. 3) Believing that those holding power would never kill in order to retain that power is about as naive as… believing in coincidences.Ummm… go back to the beginning of time… Pharoes killed their own mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, Alexander the Great’s mother killed his father, the Crown of England has tens of thousndsa of “su$#%&!@*ious” or “mandated” deaths going back to its beginning. Joan of Arc was a sacrificial lamb, not to mention Napolean, Lenin, Stalin, $#%&!@*, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Dong, and on and on. Let’s throw in an old conspiracy or two… Ferdinand, JFK, 1 week after signing an executive order to audit the Fed. Oswald and Ruby… Bobby Kennedy after the same people realized he would win the Presidency and that he was the brains behind JFK. “We shouldn’t have killed John. We should’ve killed Bobby.” —Santo Trafficante Jr., 1987″. Boris Nemtsov, Or how about the fact that all (save one) of the m$#%&!@* murderers since Timothy McVeigh were taking or had taken Government endorsed and sponsored psychotropics manufactured by Big Pharm.
Blue Beam, Echelon, and ICReach. Government Mind Control Program. World Banks are having runs on them by Governments for GOLD. The Bilderberg Group controls the banks and governments, and the price of gold is determined by inflation. What do they know? September 13th. The reason for Obama’s move to sieze guns from the 53% of the population on welfare is to minimize resistance to martial law. FEMA and DHS take over and suspend the cons$#%&!@*ution during a Federal State of Emergency. Jade Helm is just practice.
Thank you, blade4657. “What we’re thinking of as aliens, they’re extradimensional beings”: The Annunaki, “that an earlier precursor of the space program made contact with”: The Majestic-12 Project, “the disasters are coming”: September 13th.
One of those Banker suicides was out here in Tacoma Wa, off the Narrows Bridge, but that looked like he was killed else where and his body dumped
not to mention the holistic doctors…
I believe the CIA has been hard at work.
and look at all the burger flippers, janitors & poodle groomers that have died—might suspiscious
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