Clearly, something strange is afoot when so many strange and suspicious deaths occur among groups like this. It’s not only the positions and professions of these people, but the strange pattern and the very unusual manner in which they all died that makes one wonder: what is the connection?
For example, there’s the Denver banker who supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun, then there is the scientist studying infectious diseases who was stabbed 196 times, then three investigative journalists, all working in explosive areas die within 24 hours of one another…those strange deaths are just the tip of a very spooky iceberg.
Statistically, the chances of these deaths all being coincidental, unlinked strains credibility…unless it was all planned…
and now health care alternative doctors.
This is what I’m afraid will start happening to our military too. If you don’t do what the government wants, oops he’s dead. Something is definitely going on and it’s not good.
they forgot to mention the 5 homeopathic anti-vaccine doctors that have mysteriously died recently as well.
Who will benefit from this tragedy? Follow the money!
…how many more to come?
Were they all Republicans?
Is there a list with names and jobs, some details, etc., so we can search for the connections.
How is any of this relevant to Caitlyn Jenner’s courage? Get with the program, people! /sarcasm
Me without my tinfoil hat! I feel dumber for having read this…
I agree…