Hillary Clinton may have managed to shake the FBI off the trail of her missing emails, but the American people aren’t going to be so forgiving when they realize the extent to which she turned the State Department into her own personal influence mill.
Although the Democratic nominee has always had more than her fair share of allies in the media and institutions of government, Clinton personally saw to it that her status as a power-broker remained undiluted during her time as President Obama’s Secretary of State. It is hardly news that individuals who donated to the Clinton Foundation received special treatment from the then-Secretary of State, but new information shows that Hillary’s corruption went even much deeper than we thought.
According to a bombshell report put out by the Associated Press, 85 of 154 private parties who met or communicated with Clinton during her time at the State Department gave generously to her organization or its affiliate groups. This means that more than half the time, the former State Secretary gave more consideration to individuals who donated to the Clinton Foundation than individuals who did not.
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Who gives someone that much money without getting something in return?
The Corruption Foundation ……
A vote for Hillary could mean a refugee camp set up in your neighborhood, open sewers and all, you lucky little liberals, you. Maybe they’ll bring in someo of the Haitian earthquake victims the Clinton Foundatioin has been laundering money through.
Otherwise they will be dead.
There are no coincidences…just put her in jail.
Gosh enough already. Vlinton is a political whorr n her husband is a whore in the general sense and we can only pray the spawn stays in background. So enuff of yh bs unless you got some new juicy fact with teeth just leave us bee. Shes a liar a whore a hack and prone to socialist communist slant. We get it…..until she tosses my salad i have had enuff of these silly homeroom headlines. Shes a$#%&!@*and until her drones get it then we r stuck with the$#%&!@*…no resl difference from the$#%&!@*in power now……
A retarded law school dropout could slam dunk convict her, Bill and their fugly daughter of RICO in about 10 minutes. They are a million times more corrupt than Nixon.
Anyone who doesn’t know this$#%&!@*is insane must be insane also.
she sold us out