Man’s Premiums Triple Under Obamacare, Recieves Fine Because He Can’t Pay

While many have no doubt been made aware of the fines through various sources, this Indiana man wasn’t trying to break the law, he simply couldn’t afford his health insurance. Under Obamacare, his premiums rose from $398 per month to $1,400 per month. That’s more than triple what he was paying before. And because he couldn’t afford it, he’s now been fined $2,344, which must be paid immediately to prevent to further penalties.

Here’s the commentary on his Facebook post:

“Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance

Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014

So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month

So got a nice little fine

Thanks for the affordable care act.

Thanks for making it so affordable!!”

This is a man who works hard to earn money for his family and pays taxes on top of it.

Here is a man who works for a living to support his family. He pays his taxes, doesn’t partake in any illegal activities, and he doesn’t have healthcare not because he’s trying to be rebellious, but because he can’t afford it thanks to Obamacare. Now he’s being fined a ridiculous amount of money. Where’s the justice in that? Meanwhile, immigrants and welfare recipients are basically getting health insurance for free or a lot less than $1,400 a month. This is happening to millions of Americans across the country, as liberals slowly dismantle the middle class.


obamacare penalty




  1. Richard
  2. Kaykay

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