Does Obamacare contain a clause that mandates invasive microchip implantation? The wording of subtitle c-11 section 2521 of the ACA speaks to an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”
This section is so vaguely worded that it could definately permit for an implanted RFID chip. This particular section is actually a rewrite that used to speak directly to an implantable, radio frequency device, but after Ron Paul warned the public of this, it was changed.
Honestly I kinda want to see how many will rebel if this is true
Here comes the Devil
well im just gonna have to die
Not for me period – the mark of the beast 666 – Revelation 13: v 16-17-18 Read the entire Chapter
I will not comply!!!!!
Told you. Ban Muslims now
It did but was removed. You have to read the actual do$#%&!@*ent. It’s not in there. The work around is probably the trade deals when you are all subject to foreign company requirements
Probably why do you think we were against it?
BIBLICAL mark of the BEAST , not happening in my home .
NOT ME for the only foreign thing will be hot lead.