Does Obamacare contain a clause that mandates invasive microchip implantation? The wording of subtitle c-11 section 2521 of the ACA speaks to an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”
This section is so vaguely worded that it could definately permit for an implanted RFID chip. This particular section is actually a rewrite that used to speak directly to an implantable, radio frequency device, but after Ron Paul warned the public of this, it was changed.
Not in this body or any of my family.
Mark of the beast. Revelations 13:16-18. Probably a hoax intended to desensitize people for the future when it is not a hoax
Yes it is. …
What Obama did wrong in terms of Warfare Strategy, revealing the most significant truth about the scope of his Jade Helm operations, is this:
Using a Zero Sum Probability $#%&!@*ysis, combined with a Multi-Phasic Invasion Scenario, Obama’s true purpose and intent really is the destruction of the United States of America.
When he knowingly armed his alleged enemy (Texas and Utah), he gave himself away. This strategy is much like giving heroine to the drug addict, and allowing them to destroy themselves. If Russia was not off the coast of Texas with Nuclear Submarines, and Texas was not planning to succeed from the union then we could pretend it was a drill. But, since this is the case ignoring reality is deadly.
Listening to what he’s doing and not what he’s saying when he sent in the tanks, guns, etc., but, most especially ammunition, this is what was revealed to me.
He is using a multi-phasic strategy for America’s implosion. This dualistic strategy is the most likely scenario to bring about America’s demise. Thus the strategy itself speaks to his real intent. I’m sure the Russians have Game Theories pertaining to this very scenario going back 50 years.
Under this scenario you send troops into Utah and Texas to round up patriots, or illegal aliens, creating resistance from the front while his muslim loyalists attack American soldiers from the rear. He then blames all the death and destruction on one of these two players.
If things do not go according to plan he can count on the fevered patriotism of both Texas and Utah residents to confiscate the weapons and armaments (he so magnanimously sent them) to attack and destroy Washington DC, and/or other key American targets. Regardless of either outcomes both result in America’s implosion. We Americans have never been in greater danger. Not even the Cuban Missile compares.
##### #### C### Sucker
They’re in all shelter animals, and too then we are just animals
Cut them out!
IF You know bible prophecy you know it says every one will have to have a mark on hand or forehead buy or sale in the last days – and never thought possible until the RFID chip. this article says Obama care will require it and gives Location in bill. No implant, then no health care for you. I don’t want to scare the public but it’s right there in plain sight, sub$#%&!@*le c-11 section 2521. an American liberty watcher on Capitol Hill revealed yesterday.
National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1001-1008: (g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate $#%&!@*ysis of post market safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘(B)and is— ‘‘(i) a cl$#%&!@* III device; or ‘‘(ii) a cl$#%&!@* II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”
According to the FDA, a cl$#%&!@* II device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” It sounds good, you can track down lost children because you are can be traced but also a government take over would also know where you are hiding.
It is different, if they had had the chip they would not have been able to hide from the $#%&!@*’s.