Does Obamacare contain a clause that mandates invasive microchip implantation? The wording of subtitle c-11 section 2521 of the ACA speaks to an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”
This section is so vaguely worded that it could definately permit for an implanted RFID chip. This particular section is actually a rewrite that used to speak directly to an implantable, radio frequency device, but after Ron Paul warned the public of this, it was changed.
@[100004134903720:2048:David DeBord], what do you think?
This is just around the corner!!! Be wear the mark of the Beast. Be on the watch
OMGoodness! Obama the DICTATOR at it again. This coward does not have the courage to admit that his “Affordable Care Act” has made a complete MESS out of America’s healthcare system. After his latest edict that little boys and little girls WILL be made to share bathrooms and locker rooms so that transgenders will be more….comfortable? This man has absolutely NO morals, NO conscience, NO statesmanship, NO true leadership skills at all, and HE IS WITHOUT DOUBT a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT. Think about it folks. My family elects to have NO health coverage at all. If we need a doctor? We choose carefully and allow ethical Christian practitioners who are competent and need to earn a living get PAID DIRECTLY for providing our care. I am sure for many of you, this sounds radical. But really….what do you believers out there THINK you are going to do when a provider or pharmacist or surgeon being reimbursed by our Federal Government REFUSES to give you that diabetes medication, “lifesaving” operation, antidepressant or pain pill prescription, or any other thing you….”can’t live without”? Are you gonna forsake the name of Jesus to gain a few more days, months, or years on this earth? The time to think about it is NOW, BEFORE you are faced with a frightening decision. As for….me and my house? We will serve the Lord. “MANDATORY” Obamacare? We consider it optional. “MANDATORY” sharing of little boys and little girls’ locker rooms? We consider it an abomination to God, offensive to our faith and even those who claim to have no faith, so we pay to keep our 12 year old in a private Christian School. Don’t BE a bunch of…SHEEP….folks. You are GOING to be….led to the slaughter by….a pack of wolves like Obama. Not saying the dude is the Antichrist (yet), but he is one HORRIBLE….”leader”? And….”civil disobedience” when MAN’S LAWS come in DIRECT CONFLICT to GOD’S LAWS? Well, that is GOING to take courage. As to implantable microchips? Well, definitely the technology is there. And frightening the masses into “mandatory healthcare” gets Satan one step closer to his…end game. Which is pulling as many as possible into his infernal burning real HELL. If you are made to choose between life eternal with a loving God? And a somewhat….prolonged life on THIS EARTH. Might wanna pick up a Bible, take 5 or 10 minutes to READ Matthew 24 (ONE chapter, that’s it) and see what awaits those who choose life on earth over life in Heaven. Don’t know about you, but an eternity of…”weeping and gnashing of teeth” while burning alive but never dying? Well, it doesn’t sound too…HEALTHY to me.