We know the leftist caricature of gun-rights advocates as stupid, poor, right-wing rednecks just isn’t true.
With socialists like Bernie Sanders insisting we shouldn’t be free to protect ourselves and supporting laws meant to prohibit citizens being armed in public, our right to defend ourselves and those we love is under attack.
When two white supremacists tried to take out their hatred by attacking a black man in a For Myers, Florida Waffle House restaurant they got what they deserved.
Bay Area Intifada shared some of the security camera footage that captured the action, as well as a local newscast with further information on the altercation.
Given the nature of the video, it’s appropriately age-restricted on YouTube and you can view it here on Truth And Action on the next page.
Yeah like when a gun nut shoots up a school. Those 6 year olds should be armed. Said no sane person ever
The ‘gun-free zones’ that are school are easy targets for psychos. It’s not the gun, but the nut behind it that is the problem. Look at Paris, with the tough gun laws that France has. It is almost very tough to get a gun legally there.
Herb Salle
There is always more than one reason for doing things, especially at that level. Choose to see more.
It’s a shame the first guy lived.
Good job!
I’m glad he shot thatmoron!!!!!
It is everyone’s right to defend them self’s from harm and the ones they love.Anyone who attempts harm to another should expect the possibility it is their last day on Earth.
Read it again.. The second amendment has many times in a multitude of courts has been interpreted to also mean SELF PROTECTION. If your not an idiot, or think you have some right to mug, rob somebody or force them to do something against their will, you will almost never have to wonder if somebody is going to use their second amendment rights on you. Simple fact many dont want to hear — If guns are ever outlawed, about the only people, other than law enforcement or military will be criminals. I guarentee I can call.45 a lot quicker than 911.
are you going to list all the second amendmenters that take innocent lives or just want to try and BS the dumb?
Good for him