We know the leftist caricature of gun-rights advocates as stupid, poor, right-wing rednecks just isn’t true.
With socialists like Bernie Sanders insisting we shouldn’t be free to protect ourselves and supporting laws meant to prohibit citizens being armed in public, our right to defend ourselves and those we love is under attack.
When two white supremacists tried to take out their hatred by attacking a black man in a For Myers, Florida Waffle House restaurant they got what they deserved.
Bay Area Intifada shared some of the security camera footage that captured the action, as well as a local newscast with further information on the altercation.
Given the nature of the video, it’s appropriately age-restricted on YouTube and you can view it here on Truth And Action on the next page.
the second amendment is all about protection BUT IT IS ABOUT PROECTION FROM A RENEGADE GOVERNMENT.
This is what happens when people who have no knowledge of history open their mouth. Sorry, but this is not why the Second Amendment exists. The second amendment was put in place to allow people to protect themselves against an overbearing govt. This is the primary reason why the govt is doing its best to ban the use of weapons. It knows it is moving towards a more authoritarian form of govt, and the ability of the people to resist that form of govt scares the pants off of them.
…and suddenly the “intelligent” gun-haters fall silent…Huh?
Aaron Webb you are wrong it does say of individuals to be able yo keep and bear( carry) arms.
THIS is a reason too: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/13/french-police-report-shootout-and-explosion-in-paris/?intcmp=hpbt1
You bet
This is “one” of the reasons the Second Amendment Exists.
Obama is why we have a 2nd Amendment!!!
“authorities have decided the shooter won’t be charged” Oh… how gracious of the benevolent agents of the State! It’ should never have been a question once the witnesses & video tape were reviewed…. and the fact that he “had a carry permit” should have no bearing on the case. The fundamental truth is…. without a gun to defend himself, he probably would have been beaten to death. The 2nd Amendment should be all the “carry permit” we need as citizens.